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Saddam Hussein Free Essays

Counterterrorism refers to all the practices, tactics or methods that are being used by the government, especially the military, to combat terrorism. The basic idea behind counterterrorism is to defend the state from the occurrence of terror as well as to make offensive moves to solve the said conflict. It does not only apply on one specific organization since it could also entail other entities from various field of the society. We will write a custom essay sample on Saddam Hussein or any similar topic only for you Order Now One appropriate example to this would be the situation wherein local police, firefighters and emergency medical personnel have their own plans of handling terrorism since they are the so-called â€Å"first responders† on the occurrence of the said situation. Moreover, ways that could prevent the occurrence of terrorism is also a part of the definition of what a counterterrorism is. The reason behind why I defined first what is meant by counterterrorism is for us to be able to avoid confusion regarding the definition of counterterrorism and to guide us through out this entire paper. Now, based from the given definition, it clearly states that counterterrorism is a tactic or method in order to fight and prevent terrorism. Crime fighting, on the other hand, is defined as the ways of the police, courts and corrections by which they could prevent the individuals from committing misdemeanor and violating laws and ordinances. In short, terrorism involves greater number of threatened individuals as compared to just a mere crime. Moreover, there is a more threat to the national security when terrorism is the one being considered, whereas crimes only involves fewer stakeholders and imposes less threat to the national security of the country (Kupsak, 1993, p. 1). Since counterterrorism is designed to address the issues that imposes negative effects to the national security of the country, then, crime fighting would not be enough if it would go to be used as a means of solving national scale problems. Through this, there exist government agencies that focus on answering and preventing the existence of terrorism in their designated area of responsibility like the FBI (Billy, 2007, p. 1). Due Process There is a very thick difference between the due process for a person who allegedly committed terrorism as compared to a person who’s been charged with a crime. Therefore, it is very important of the government officials to successfully identify if whether a certain act could already be considered as terrorism or a crime to facilitate the appropriate justice system for the said dilemmas. As for the due process for a person that is charged with a crime, it is stated in law that a person is entitled to exercise his right that are protected by the criminal justice system based from the due process of the model. In other words, they could still exercise the basic rights of the normal person until he/she was proven guilty with the crime that was filed to the accused (Brimelow, 2000, p. 1). Moreover, under the due process model, the individual that is arrested is still being considered innocent from the crime that is being alleged to him/her. On the other hand, regarding the due process for those individuals who allegedly committed terrorism, based from the USA PATRIOT ACT of 2001, those persons who are being suspected by the government to be a terrorist would be subject to surveillance and almost all of the personal information of the alleged person should be disclose to the government to check the â€Å"credibility† of the person. In short, most of the human rights of the alleged terrorist would be violated especially the right to have privacy (Trandahl, 2001, p. 14). All of the sensitive information of the person would be put into study and subject to be monitored. Moreover, if the terrorist is a country, the US government could declare a war whenever they want depending on the decision of the US Congress regarding this matter since they are the one who has the power to pronounce war. Implications When a terrorist is characterized as an enemy, basically the rights of the terrorists are already being taken into consideration and it is up to the Executives of the government on what to do on the terrorist. There are a lot of instances wherein terrorists are being detained for a long period of time in places not suitable to serve as a detention area, like camps or military headquarters without undergoing to court’s decision. The president of the United States or any person from various department of the government has enough mandates make its decision regarding the terrorist’s condition especially during the times of armed wars and other forms of wars wherein the â€Å"terrorists† plays a major role in the said war. Moreover, when a terrorist is considered an enemy, it is just tantamount to having war especially if there involves another country in the case. For example, in the case of Iraq and US, due to the possible terrorisms that Saddam Hussein could impose not only in US but also to its neighboring nations and the numerous cases of terrorisms that occurred in US which Saddam Hussein allegedly served as the master mind are the grounds to force United States to declared war against the Iraqi government. When a person is tagged as an enemy, it would mean that that person is of great threat for the country being concerned. On the other hand, if a terrorist is can be characterized as a mere criminal, then, he/she could undergo a court proceedings which somehow allow the â€Å"terrorist† to exercise his/her right until he/she is proven guilty. Moreover, the degree of the punishment, as compared to when a terrorist is considered to be an enemy, is lesser since basic human rights of the accused person are still being taken into consideration in determining the penalty that will be imposed to the accused person. REFERENCES Billy, J. (2007). Counterterrorism. Retrieved October 10, 2007, from http://www. fbi. gov/terrorinfo/counterrorism/waronterrorhome. htm Brimelow, P. (2000). The Death of Due Process. Retrieved October 10, 2007, from http://www. vdare. com/pb/death_of_due_process. htm Kupsak, G. (1993). Crime Fighting Cooperation. Retrieved October 10, 2007, from http://www. lib. niu. edu/ipo/1993/im931109. html Trandahl, J. (2001). H. R. 3162. Retrieved October 10, 2007, from http://www. epic. org/privacy/terrorism/hr3162. pdf How to cite Saddam Hussein, Papers Saddam Hussein Free Essays Very few political leaders of the modern world can stand up to a comparison with Nazi Germany’s Hitler. Saddam Hussein was one who certainly didn’t have to try too hard. Considering the painful beginnings he has had, Saddam Hussein had gone a long way in proving himself as a leader the world will not forget soon. We will write a custom essay sample on Saddam Hussein or any similar topic only for you Order Now Hussein had his strengths, convictions and the will to win, all of which worked in his selfish favor. However, contained in these very traits were his veiled weaknesses which ultimately led to his unceremonious ending. One may need a comprehensive overview of Saddam Hussein’s personality traits to render an understanding of what thrived underneath all his brutalities. The dark contours of Saddam’s temperament were etched before he was born on April 28, 1937, to his recently widowed mother, who was too distraught to be keen on having him. Spending his early years under the charge on his maternal uncle, Khyrallah, and later his mother and an abusive step-father, Saddam clearly did not have a conventional childhood, a fact that had a far reaching impact on his mental constitution. He grew up with a distorted self-esteem, which crippled his capacity for empathy with others and produced what has been described psychologically as ‘the wounded self’, a condition which, in Saddam’s case, let to strive for compensatory grandiosity, a steely resolve to never subject himself under a superior force (Post 2003, 2). Saddam’s was often referred to as the ‘mad man of the Middle-East’ equating him to a lunatic battling with psychotic disorders. However, according to Jerrold Post, there is no evidence that he had any such ailments. Rather, Saddam was a rational calculator who often miscalculates (Post 2003, 6). He was not an impulsive actor but rather was judicious and patient. All his inhuman actions then become all the more horrifying for they are results of delicate deliberation and planning. Saddam had a natural inclination for traumatizing his surroundings, from which he drew thrill and satisfaction. Saddam’s obsession with violence was the most terrifying side to his multi-faceted personality (Thomas 02). This obsession with violence certainly did not command accolades from his own people, many of whom have suffered untold miseries under his tyranny. Saddam’s personality traits adhere to the makings of what is called malignant narcissism (Post 2003, 6). He strived to exalt his personality by making Iraq an extension of his being. Also, to give him the religious sanctity that was essential to win over Islamic extremists, Saddam ordered Iraq’s genealogists to create a family line that links him to Fatima, the daughter of the prophet Mohammed (Thomas 02). He had elevated himself to the level that level of holiness where many religious minded people wouldn’t dare question his integrity and actions. Saddam had no constraints of conscience whatsoever. No question of morality ever crept into his mind as he went executing his ‘enemies’. Saddam also had an inherent unconstrained aggression, which he uses as an instrument to attain his goals. Force and violence were his only trusted weapons, and he never wavered to employ them. Saddam Hussein was also seen to have a strong paranoid orientation (Post 2003, 7). He always saw himself as surrounded by enemies for no good reason. Completely oblivious of his role in creating his own enemies, Saddam righteously eliminated his targets. This paranoia illustrates itself even in his conduct of foreign affairs, which let him to believe that Israel, The US and Iran have been in league with the purpose of eliminating him. Adding to these traits, Saddam was also burdened with certain vanities, which invariably would drive him to destructive behaviour. Underneath the vicious and terrifying persona, there was a side of him that was vulnerable and extremely egoistic. It is this political personality assemblage such as insatiable ambition for unlimited power, lack of conscience, unconstrained aggression, a paranoid outlook and obsession for violence which made Saddam the man the world loathed. It is also these very traits that sowed the seeds of his failure. How to cite Saddam Hussein, Papers

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