Sunday, May 24, 2020

Conflict Essay - 821 Words

â€Å"If you want Conflict try to change something† Conflict manifests itself into many shapes and forms. Conflict can be defined as a struggle or contest between individuals or parties for power. The struggle ultimately changes the status quo and brings about an imbalance in the existing situation. The change in the status quo could be either positive or negative. In Finding Forrester composed by Gus Van Sant, The poem, â€Å"Then and Now†, by Oodgeroo of the Tribe Noonuccal and the article on Mahatma Gandhi by Ravi Kumar we find that conflict manifests itself into Inner, Moral and Socio-economic forms, amongst others. Ben Okri, the famous Nigerian novelist states â€Å"A man’s greatest battles are the ones he fights within† In the film â€Å"Finding†¦show more content†¦William cycles to Jamal’s school to save him from losing his scholarship. This shows us that William is trying to break free from the inner conflict within him. The composer uses the high angle camera shot to show William’s struggle amongst the large masses of people at the subway. Once again this ongoing inner conflict is portrayed. This is evident that William is winning this battle and eventually something positive comes out of it. The change finally comes about when William tells the school that Jamal Wallace wrote that article. Thereby finally embracing the world over and above himself Socio-economic conflict can best be described as a disagreement between social needs of society and economic needs. This conflict is depicted in the poem â€Å"Then and Now† by Oodgeroo of the Tribe Noonuccal. In the poem a lonely man dreams of the tribe â€Å"laughing as they hunt and swim† but suddenly his dreams are shattered by the sounds of â€Å"rushing cars and hissing train’s†. As the man walks alone in the ‘teeming town’ he is astonished by the socio-economic developments that have changed his very culture and being. â€Å"I have seen corroboree, where that factory belches smoke†. This shows that the cultural heritage that existed with the Aboriginal people has been washed away with the rampant economic developments that the ‘white man’ has implemented. The poet skilfully portrays this by saying â€Å"children of natureShow MoreRelatedConflict Between Conflict And Conflict1330 Words   |  6 Pages For this paper, I chose conflict because it is present in nearly every aspect of life, it is unavoidable, and knowing how to handle it is a valuable tool which I would like to investigate. 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