Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Argument essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 9

Argument - Essay Example Nuclear power is the world’s best and first answer to the problem of the exhaustion of resources. Above that it is ecologically clean when used properly. Besides that atomic energy serves for military purposes as a nuclear weapon of mass destruction. Despite the fact of its massive ability to destroy everything living it is the political mechanism of the future which guarantees world peace and logical avoidance of any local conflicts on the theoretical basis of nuclear deterrence and mutual asserted destruction (Edwards, 2013). Opponents of the nuclear energy and its military usage ignore the benefits and fear the danger of nuclear holocaust and worldwide ecological catastrophe in the future if nuclear power will continue to exist. They say that benefits don’t exceed the harm and it is better to continue injuring nature slowly thought fossil fuel energy than put it in jeopardy of probable total annihilation with atomics energy. More than that ecological harm from the atomic accidents not only overcomes the usual pollution but bring whole generations of unproductive land, humans and animals with diseases and low immune system all because of the radioactive pollution. Above that they state that nuclear weapon in the hands of government that behave in a rough way is not a responsible way to treat such serious issue due to the political corruption and instability that so often shows itself. They state that political differences and dissidence of countries which possess nuclear weapon can lead to the nuc lear war which will annihilate and destroy the planet. Same opponents say that slow harm to the nature by the non-nuclear energy plants is better than the probability of total devastation. The also point out that disastrous events such as Chernobyl and Fukushima are the examples that prove people’s inability to treat atomic energy with responsibility and that it can lead to further even more disastrous nuclear

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Apple Strategic Managment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Apple Strategic Managment - Case Study Example With declining stock values, Apple has planned to introduce a lower-priced iPhone that will effectively compete in the smartphone market and rejuvenate the once giant of the iPhone industry (Apple Inc). This paper aims at evaluating the business and market aspects of the lower cost iPhone with respect to the target price, the target manufacturing cost, and the estimated gross profit.Since Apple used over USD 150 million in designing and manufacturing the iPhone 5, the lower cost iPhone will not incorporate most of the smartphone apps that the iPhone 5 uses. For example, the lower cost phone will run on a simple Android system with internet settings operating under the EDGE network. These will significantly reduce the initial manufacturing cost to just about USD 40 million with the first batch producing over 300,000 units of the iPhone. This will mean that the manufacturing cost of each unit of the lower cost iPhone will be USD 217, which means that every unit of the lower cost iPhone sold will fetch in a gross of USD 133 (United States Securities and Exchange Commission).Estimated gross profitFrom the figures above, it is clear that Apple will target an annual sale of USD 105 billion. Since gross profit is obtained by subtracting the cost of sales from the net sales, the estimated gross profit for the lower cost iPhone will be USD 65 billion. This strategic iPhone will definitely revive the declining profit margin in Apple’s iPhone market as well as stabilize its stock market (Apple Inc).